📜Config File

Config.yml Default

When disabling crafting, make sure to due so before starting your server.

Or just restart your server for it to take effect.

# ========================[SIMPLE-DRUGS CONFIG]============================#
# Simple-Drugs v2.7-DEV Created by xxCoderforlife
# If you need help find me on Discord or Spigot.
# Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/simple-drugs-with-gui.9684/
# Discord: https://discord.com/invite/jnmKj7Z
#               WIKI LINK: 
#    https://xxcoderforlife.gitbook.io/simpledrugswiki/
# =========================================================================#
  # If you want to even check for an update
  CheckForUpdate: true
  # If you want a message sent to players in game with the permission 'drugs.updater'
  UpdateMessage: true
  # Sends the player a plugin message on Join
  JoinMessage: true
  # Cooldown between Drug Usage in Seconds (Change to 0 to disable)
  Cooldown: 0
    # If the player can move the bag in their Inventory
    CanMove: true
    # If the player can drop the bag
    CanDrop: true
    # Is the bag given on player join
    # If you set this to false use /drugs bagofdrugs to get it
    GiveOnJoin: true
    # If the Bag is dropped on death or not.
    DropOnDeath: false
    # If the player Keeps the Bag when they Respawn
    GiveOnRespawn: true
    OverDose-Limit: 10.0
# Yeah that's the end of the Config.

Last updated